Sustainable Plastic Waste Recovery and Buy-Back Workshop on World Environment Day
As part of our commitment to the environment and climate-related concerns, the TEC, in partnership with Ga East Municipal Assembly, organised a workshop on the plastic waste management value chain in Ghana. The workshop aimed to empower 30 women in the Ga East Constituency by providing them with valuable knowledge about the plastic waste management sector. Currently, over 60% of the people working in the sector are women, often earning very little as waste pickers or working on landfills in major cities. The workshop brought together various stakeholders, including women from the Ga East Assembly, market women, traditional leaders, representatives from religious organizations, women working in the traditional waste management sector, residents, politicians, students, and teachers. The workshop focused on understanding the roles of different stakeholders, exploring existing plastic waste innovations in Ghana, highlighting economic empowerment opportunities for women and youth in the sector, and discussing the dynamics of running a sustainable and profitable plastic waste buy-back program within the community.